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Overview of Services Offered:

For more information about Vocational Rehabilitation Services, eligibility requirements and an application for services please click on the link below.


During Intake, the Vocational Specialist will explain all the documents required by accreditation process as well as all regulatory agencies and OOD, to the consumer in addition to providing answers to all questions of the consumers regarding any documentation. A copy of the Mission Statement, Participants Handbook, and participants Rights will be provided to the consumer during the intake process. This material will be provided using a person centeres philosophy and will also be accessible in an accommodated format to meet the individual needs of the consumer.

Community Based Assessment

A community based assessment is a process, based on a real work experience. It is designed to gather information about the participant that will assist in determining vocational direction for the participant. The end results are based on evaluation through observation of the participants physical capacities and vocational data with realistic vocational options which exist in the labor market.

Job Seeking Skills Training

JSST focuses on instruction of the skills and behaviors needed to secure and maintain employment. These skills include, but are not limited to, computer use in job search, interviewing skills, resume and cover letter development, and appropriate networking skills. These services are also included in our Job Development/Placement Services.

Job Development and Placement

This service provides a supportive collaboration between the participant and a vocational specialist designed to assist the participant in locating, securing, and maintaining employment. The participant is expected to be active in the service by working diligently with their Vocational Specialist to secure employment. The Vocational Specialist will assist the participant to develop an active networking and employer contact list and utilizing all means of public job search available.

Job Coaching

This service is designed to assist the participant with appropriate work keeping behaviors. These services will be presented through one on one instruction and support to the participant while learning new tasks of their new position. The duration of this service is determined on an individual basis and subject to OOD counselor approval.

Job Retention

This service is designed to give the participant extra support and instruction after the participant has secured employment.  These services will be delivered by the vocational specialist through on site visits to the place of employment, or through phone calls. These supports are necessary to ensure the participant maintains successful long term employment.

Pre-Employment Transition Services

These services are intended to help students with disabilities, as early as age 14, who could benefit from an early start in exploring career interests. The five services include Job Exploration Counseling; Work-Based Learning; Counseling on Post-Secondary Opportunities; Workplace Readiness Training; and Instruction in Self-Advocacy.  For more information on these services please see the links below:

Work Incentives Planning 

Work Incentives Planning or "Benefits Analysis"  service is utilized to provide information on how an individual in VR Services and returning to work can positively impact their earning potential. WIP takes into consideration current Federal, State, and Local benefits such as Title II (SSDI), Disabled Adult Child (DAC), Survivor Benefits, etc... Title XVI (SSI); Health benefits (Medicaid, Medicare) Veteran's Benefit's, housing, food and other public assistance programs. WIP services also provide individual's with information on work incentives, including but not limited to: Ticket to Work Program, Impairment Related Work Expenses, Trial Work Periods, Student Earned Income Exclusions, and Plan for Achieving Self- Sufficiency (PASS). The Work Incentive Practitioner will provide the individual with a comprehensive overview of how working affects benefits and how incentives can be utilized to maximize earnings.

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